Thursday, October 30, 2008

We carved our pumpkin last night. I had these wild visions that we would sit around anxious to see the final result and we would have this amazing family experience. Fact- Adlen did watch the pumpkin carving for about 5 minutes then spent the rest of the time crying about not going for a walk. As I did damage control with her, Justin carved away. When I returned from putting her in the bath, the seeds had all been cleaned out and our pumpkin was about to become a Chargers icon. I gave my ok and we then discussed what type of face he should have. We decided on a pirate face. So Justin proceeded as I ran out the door to do my visiting teaching. This all took place with in 45 minutes (and I also called my mother in law Julie to ask at which temperature do you cook pumpkin seeds, and vacuum the upstairs)!

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